Colour and Style!

What Is Your Colour Self Portrait?
Fran Muntz

What Is Your Colour Self Portrait?

By on Jun 27, 2023 in Beauty for You News, Colour and Style! | 0 comments

Did you know that the colours that you are drawn to are an Interpretation for your Self Portrait – What is your favorite Colour? The Colour you have chosen to represent you acknowledges your image strengths   ORANGE – You see yourself as: Competent, action-oriented, organised, impatient. Orange is the colour of form and design.  Your energy is high, and as a warm colour, you are sometimes restless.  Yet your competence and capabilities to organise are unmatched by any other colour. An architect or engineer, a designer or marketer -you will find your niche in these professions.  You are the greatest self-starter and motivator.  To get the job done is your goal, for your energy always requires a direction. You like form and structure around you because you are very conscious of design.  No messy homes or offices for you, for they make you feel ‘down’.  You flow straight as an arrow when focused. Like the sun at dawn, you give purpose to all who know you!  After all, aren’t you the resource fuel of life, the colour of fire, and the energy warmth of humankind?   RED – Ambitious, energetic, courageous, extroverted. For your identity colour you have chosen the flashiest and most dramatic of all colours. Physical or emotional, ’very human’ is another name for you.  You can be dynamic and direct but also generous.  You, red, have a strong character and love to be active and competitive. You are solid in knowing what you want, and usually win. If a female, you have a tendency to react quickly and emotionally, not always objectively.  As a male who chooses red, you like to be out in front, often in politics, for you enjoy accolades from others.  Some people call you a gladiator, some call you a leader.  As a leader, you have the ability and energy to move forward positively. You are red, you are first, the Adam and Eve of society, the sexiest of all.  You have strength, courage and conviction rights, as wanting equal justice for all.   YELLOW – Communicative, expressive, social, people-oriented. You have selected yellow, the colour of the universal communicator.  You love your mouth.  Sometimes you talk too much, but the...

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Video – Black Verses Navy
Fran Muntz

Video – Black Verses Navy

By on May 15, 2023 in Colour and Style! | 1 comment

Black verses Navy Debate – Video                         With Cooler days approaching and thoughts go to our Winter wardrobe, it is time to think about the items we need to add.  Yesterday, I spent time round the malls, and it is disappointing to see so much Black in the shops, you can walk in the door of a boutique and scan the racks and see only a touch of colour included in all the black.  What is this fixation with Black? – it can be so depressing!                             We are passionate about Colour! It is uplifting, stimulating, draws people to you, and just makes you feel good and good to be around!  Try and put less black in your wardrobe – soften your look with NAVY! Plus be sure to accessorize with COLOUR! EVERY  SEASON HAS A NAVY THAT SUITS THEIR COLOUR PALETTE – and yes, I know the old saying – Black is Slimming – but so is NAVY!  and it is just that much softer reflection on the skin.  I have put together a video for you to see the difference between Black and Navy – that I hope will encourage you seek out and find some great pieces by adding some Navy to your wardrobe – Also do check out the Psychology of Colour Black verses Navy Below Enjoy – and do tell me what you think! Psychology of Colour Colour – BLACK Black is the absence of colour due to the total absorption of light. Psychological Power of Black Positive Attributes: Authoritative, formal, sophisticated, mysterious, strong. Negative Attributes: Mournful, aloof, negative, lifeless. Wearing Black for Emotional and Physical Impact As a sign of respect particularly in bereavement but also in cultures with different social and moral attitudes toward women (for example, in Muslim countries). For bold impact and contrast with one other colour, as when wearing black skirt and red jacket. To keep people at a distance; we don’t readily approach someone dressed in black. In the evening, for dinner parties or formal occasions, if your objective is to play safe...

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What Is Colour Analysis ?
Fran Muntz

What Is Colour Analysis ?

By on May 8, 2023 in Colour and Style! | 0 comments

Introducing The Wonderful World Of Colour by Dezine® Personal Colour Analysis   Simply put, Colour Analysis is the art of analysing a person’s natural colour of Skin, Hair and Eyes and recommending the appropriate selection of colours that will harmonise with that persons personal colouring. Colour Analysis started way back in the 60’s and like everything it has evolved, developed and become a specialised service.  Our Colour by Dezine® system is complimented by our proprietary computer technology which will identify your very best personal colours. You can choose to have a personal consultation with one of our professionals, which consists of analysis with Hue Level and Seasonal drapes, followed by coordinate analysis to select your personal Skin, Hair and Eye Colour, in degrees of tone, Light, True, Vivid or Contrasting. With our unique, accurate Colour analysis system you are able to purchase your own personal palette of 40 wardrobe colours.  We are proud to supply our Palettes and products to over 20 countries round the world – if you would like more information just contact us  Here           Do you have a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear? You too, can create a stunning Coordinated wardrobe of Colour! We have over 15,000 possible palettes in our system, each palette is prepared by hand and is unique to you! NO Preset seasonal palettes with Beauty for You – your Colour by Dezine palette will be a great asset to you making the correct selection and you will find AT LAST  everything starts to coordinate!! However, if you do not live close to one of our Professional consultants – and even if you live overseas – you too can receive the benefit of our amazing system.  I have created a FREE ONLINE Colour Analysis App – which mirrors the steps of a personal consultations – all you need to do is to upload a photo of yourself and follow the steps to Discover your Colours.  We have also a Step by Step Video to show you how the whole process works.  But it does not stop there!  –  Once you place an order for your Personal Palette – if you have not made the correct...

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How Feng Shui Colors Can Benefit Us
Fran Muntz

How Feng Shui Colors Can Benefit Us

By on May 2, 2023 in Beauty for You News, Colour and Style! | 0 comments

Feng Shui And Colour Psychology – Discovering The Meanings Of Colours   Everyone appreciates the benefits of beautiful, comfortable living environments;  However, Feng Shui takes the approach that your surroundings affect not just your level of material comfort but also your physical and mental health, your relationships, and your worldly success. Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) examines how the placement of things and objects within it affect the energy flow in your living environment, and how these objects interact with and influence your personal energy flow. Your personal energy flow affects how you think and act, which in turn affects how well you perform and succeed in your personal and professional life. Feng Shui affects you every moment of the day — whether you’re aware of it or not. As you begin to discover more about Feng Shui, remember that you need to have an open mind and should use the methods that are most comfortable for your particular circumstances. If you don’t know much about Feng Shui – learning about the Colours in Feng Shui is a good place to start. Colour is used as the basis for many theories and Feng Shui, colours affect the energy of rooms, your habitat and your clothes.  Colours are one of the most essential and significant features of Feng Shui.     RED – Fame – Reputation – Red Fire – it is no surprise that in the colours of Feng Shui, Red is one of the most important colours – it is a symbol of joy, fun and happiness, the colour of active action!  Red has a fairly strong influence on the human body – as the spiritual and the physical realm. Red is intense, represents the element of fire and is considered lucky.  It is bold and daring. It should be avoided by people who are anxious or overactive and is certainly not a good colour in the bedroom for insomniacs.  RED – a symbol of passion, the personification of courage, power, beauty and brightness. Red is the ideal colour if you wish to draw attention, but avoid red if you are nervous or self-conscious – just add a little as an accessory – don’t overdo it. When wearing...

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Does Your Colour Season Change As You Age?
Fran Muntz

Does Your Colour Season Change As You Age?

By on Apr 25, 2023 in Beauty for You News, Colour and Style! | 0 comments

How does your Season/Colours change as you age?  What happens when your hair goes grey? What happens as your skin becomes lighter?  Do you start out as one Season and then change? Can you Change from this Summer Palette  …. to the opposite Winter Palette?                     Or this Spring Palette…. to the opposite Autumn Palette?               The answer is NO.   The Skin undertone and Season you were born with is the one you will always have.  The only issue would be if you had been incorrectly analyised in the first place.   As colour analysis has evolved over the past twenty plus years or so  – you may have been analyised,  because of the limitations of the system/process at the time of your original analysis, incorrectly.   This does not mean your season has changed – it just that the new systems are far more advanced  in making a correct analysis. With Colour by Dezine® you cannot be a mixture of two seasons – your colours are selected according to your personal SKIN, HAIR AND EYE COLOUR – this is what makes our system unique – Your personal palette of Colours is prepared personally for you!  No Pre-made palettes – we have over 15,000 possible combinations of palettes in our system. Changing your colour preferences  (through the years) is normal – as sometimes as we age we may feel the need to leave certain (usually the brighter and darker) colours behind us, and stick with the softer colours in our personal palette. However, you can still use these brighter and darker colours for “Accents” to great effect!  Just because you are getting a little older it is definitely not necessary to abandon your favorite Brights and Darks in your palette ! However, having said that … it is a fact that our skin tone does change as we age, but it does not change our season.  Using the softer colours close to your skin will certainly flatter.  As we age the level of contrast in our skintone, the softening of hair colour – with the reduction of pigmentation or going grey, and the depth of...

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How Colour Affects Our How Lives
Fran Muntz

How Colour Affects Our How Lives

By on Apr 22, 2023 in Beauty for You News, Colour and Style! | 0 comments

Welcome To The Wonderful World of Colour You probably know that colour is the first thing we meet someone for the first time. But did you realise that we also make virtually instant judgments about a person’s status from the colours they are wearing? For instance, in medieval times, the lower classes weren’t allowed to wear the colours of the upper classes, or they were fined, sometimes up to a half year’s wages! The lower class had to wear the colours of the earth – brown and green tones, that came from dyeing cloth with things that were immediately to hand and were cheap – grass, soil even dung! The most expensive dyes were brand-new colours at the time, mainly purple and red. These colours were kept for royalty and the bigwigs in the church. Just at one glance and everyone will know instantly they are in the presence of the massively powerful individual. This instant recognition of status still happens today – every single one of us makes judgments about other people based on what they’re wearing – how they present themselves. What We Wear and Why – Is Totally Fascinating Have you ever wondered why Colour is so important? Image a world without colour – colour impacts our personal and business lives – colour enriches our lives -Why? Colour is light reflected, without light, there will be no colour. Colour communicates subconsciously. Do we sometimes take this powerful tool for granted? Colour is a powerful tool; it is in our food, clothing and environment and is used constantly in advertising. The Psychology of Colour can really assist you in many ways – Colour can help you in communication with others – you have a powerful asset to use consciously. Colour and Style is everything! How you present yourself is a very important part of who you are. Your first impression is vital to you and how you communicate with others. When you move into a room of strangers, they are judging you as much as you are judging them. Before you have even spoken a word to them, haven’t you reached a certain conclusions about them? How do you use colour, tone and intensity personally and in...

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